I was born into a “doggy” family that used to own hunting dogs, mostly hounds. I originally wanted a German Shepherd, however, my parents thought a Finnish Lapphund would be more suitable for a 13-year-old boy, and that is how Belladonna, born in Lapland, joined our family. Later on, Bella became my foundation bitch and ever since those days I have bred one litter per year on average. I was given the Vuolasvirta breeders’ award by the Finnish Kennel Club in 2001.
I used to show my sister’s Bichon Frisés all over Finland and northern parts of Sweden. This left me with a desire to become a conformation judge, and I was first approved to jugde Finnish Lapphunds in 2002. I intend to only judge in a couple of shows every year so that judging remains as a hobby. I am approved for most of the breeds in FCI group 5. Photos of my past and present dogs are available in the Koirat section. Litters bred can be found on the Pentueet page. |